Friday, May 23, 2008

Emotional Wreck!

Okay, I feel like an emotional wreck today. Reading the news and blogsite of Steven Curtis Chapman just breaks my heart. I can not imagine losing a child. It is unfathomable to me. I think when you become a parent that becomes your number one fear. That and losing your husband (or wife.) This tragic event combined with the fact that in less than a week Eric and I will be leaving for Cabo San Lucas for four days has just gotten me so upset. You are probably thinking, yeah that's REALLY depressing! I have never left Piper over night before and I just recently weaned her. It is such a sad time for me. Breastfeeding for me is forever over and that makes me really sad. There is nothing like the time spent nursing your baby. It is such a unique and special bonding experience. It just feels like she is a little girl now and not a baby anymore. While we are away, my mom will be keeping her, and the rest of the kids, except Josh. I know that my mom and dad love our kids more than anything and that they will be safe and well taken care of. It is still just so nerve racking to me not to be able to take care of her. To be hundreds of miles away from her. I know that Eric and I will have a great time together and we really need a getaway for just us. I can't exactly turn it down. It is an all expenses paid trip from a company that Eric's company (O.C.) works with. O.C. is their number one customer and Eric was asked to come to Cabo for an awards ceremony and some business strategy meetings. Pray for peace for me over the coming days and during our trip so that I will be able to relax and enjoy the time with Eric. Most of all pray for the Chapman family.


The Shingletons said...

If you need someone to be by your side when Eric is in meetings, ask them if they will pay for me! I will help talk you through these feelings. Really, I'm there for you. shawnah

Christi said...

I knew that I could count on you Shawnah. I'll tell Eric to handle your travel arrangements. How will you handle not being able to make out with Kent in all of the pools at the resort?