Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Piper is 11 Months Old!

Today my sweet girl is 11 months old! I can't believe we are winding down to 1 year. She has been such a wonderful addition to our family. It seems like everyday one of the older kids says "I love Piper" or "I can't imagine if we did not have Piper." I can't imagine either. Everyday she makes me laugh. She is crawling everywhere but has not started to walk yet. She says da-da but flat refuses to say mama. I think she likes torturing me. I will try to get her to say it and she will either just grin or stick her tongue out and spit. She did this one time about 3 months ago and her brothers and sisters laughed so hard that she has done it every time since. It definitely paints an accurate picture of her personality. Love that sweety-girl!!

1 comment:

Tina said...

How is it possible that 11 months have passed????
Seems like yesterday we were walking through your unfinished house... pre Piper. WOW. God is good and time does fly!

Love you!