Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Long Weekend
We have had such a busy, long weekend. Friday, I was once again at the kids school. I had organized donations from parents for gift cards for Ali & Josh's teachers as end of the year gifts. (Another mom organized the one for Maveric's teacher.)The response from the parents was really weak! I asked that they give $5 and did not receive many $5 donations from either class. I guess to me, coming off of three years of homeschooling where we had to purchase every textbook, workbook, visual aid, every copy, or scrap of paper that was used, $5 did not seem like much to give! It has been amazing to me especially with Savannah, the value of the public school system. Savannah has had an entire years worth of saxophone instruction through band and vocal instruction through choir; all free. All things that would have cost us plenty if we were homeschooling. Which also makes me wonder why homeschool kids could not join these aspects of the public school system. Obviously as tax paying citizens, the homeschooling families are also funding these programs. I wonder why they could not take advantage of the extracurricular aspects of their zoned schools? I'm sure someone a lot smarter than me has also wondered this, but just a thought. I love to support all of the homeschooling families. The sacrifice that is put into home educating your children is amazing as is the result when it is done right. Anyway, we had a tournament in Hendersonville for Ali. They played like rock stars on Sunday and won it. Yesterday we had a cookout/shower for my sister and brother-in-law. I almost cried when the monsoon came. But the rain let up and it ended up being a wonderful evening spent celebrating my new neice! We had such a great turnout and I think everyone had a really good time. I was so busy trying to run the shower while soothing my sick Piper-girl that I did not take a single picture. Hopefully I can get some from my mom. Hope your Holiday was wonderful as well.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Emotional Wreck!
Okay, I feel like an emotional wreck today. Reading the news and blogsite of Steven Curtis Chapman http://www.stevencurtischapman.com/ just breaks my heart. I can not imagine losing a child. It is unfathomable to me. I think when you become a parent that becomes your number one fear. That and losing your husband (or wife.) This tragic event combined with the fact that in less than a week Eric and I will be leaving for Cabo San Lucas for four days has just gotten me so upset. You are probably thinking, yeah that's REALLY depressing! I have never left Piper over night before and I just recently weaned her. It is such a sad time for me. Breastfeeding for me is forever over and that makes me really sad. There is nothing like the time spent nursing your baby. It is such a unique and special bonding experience. It just feels like she is a little girl now and not a baby anymore. While we are away, my mom will be keeping her, and the rest of the kids, except Josh. I know that my mom and dad love our kids more than anything and that they will be safe and well taken care of. It is still just so nerve racking to me not to be able to take care of her. To be hundreds of miles away from her. I know that Eric and I will have a great time together and we really need a getaway for just us. I can't exactly turn it down. It is an all expenses paid trip from a company that Eric's company (O.C.) works with. O.C. is their number one customer and Eric was asked to come to Cabo for an awards ceremony and some business strategy meetings. Pray for peace for me over the coming days and during our trip so that I will be able to relax and enjoy the time with Eric. Most of all pray for the Chapman family.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Field Day
Okay, I promise the end of year school events are winding down. Today was field day. Josh, Ali and Maveric competed against other classes today in 10 different events. I had a very difficult time getting any pictures because I was holding the Princess for 95% of the time. She did not want to ride in her stroller, she preferred that I get a cramp in my arm and miss photo ops while carrying her royal behind around!! So I did:) My mom was there with her camera taking pictures anyway so now I just need to get her pics. Joshua's class was in the first field day grouping from 8-10 and then Ali and Maveric were out together from 12-2. It was about 80 degrees out so my misting fan was a big hit with all of the kids. Savannah's field day is Friday. She hasn't actually invited me to come cheer her on, but I'm still hopeful!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Awards Day at School
(Piper's neck is not broken. She was throwing a bit of a
tantrum because she did not want me to set her down.)
(Hmmm, my legs look really strange. Maybe I should crop that.)
Today Ali and Josh had Awards Day. Every kid in each of their classes was given an award. Josh received a Perfect Attendance Trophy and the Math Award, Entertainer of the year and the Dance King Awards. Ali received Most Improved Reading Award and the Personality Plus Award. I also received an award for Volunteering that I totally was not expecting. It was a really nice day. I got to eat lunch with all of them and just enjoy being a mommy once again!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Our Trampoline
If you have kids and don't have a trampoline you should really consider it. Our kids absolutely love ours. They never get tired of it. Every day they jump on it. They love it when Eric gets on with them and power jumps them way in the air. We initially got one seven years ago and had it until we moved into our condo until our house was finished. This past Christmas, my mother-in-law Sharon was trying to figure out what to get all of the kids and I suggested a trampoline since we still had not gotten another one. So, Grandma's gift was a huge success. They are so creative with it. They get the hose and create a shower over the net onto the trampoline, have dance parties on it or just sit on it with their friends. Here are some action shots of Josh from this afternoon. Of course we played softball in a tournament in Manchester this weekend. Ali's team was missing two girls so we only had 9 players, but they were beating every team we went against. The game today was called due to rain at 17-2, with us winning. I was glad to get to do some chores around the house and to get to enjoy the kids at home for a little of the weekend.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Ali's Field Trip
Screaming at the fake T-Rex
I got the stressful opportunity of chaperoning Ali's class field trip to the Adventure Science Center. I thought that it would be a lot of fun since we went on a regular basis for the three years that we homeschooled. When we would go it was really relaxing for me to let them take their time and enjoy whatever they wanted. Lunches were always a pleasure because the lunch room overlooks all of downtown Nashville. Well, this was a very different experience altogether. I was put in charge of Ali plus three other girls and handed an agenda along with a scavenger hunt to complete along our merry way. The noise level was so deafening there was no talking involved. Only lip reading with hand gesturing. The group was so excited to be out of the school building that they ripped from one exhibit to another barely grasping what was being taught. Going to the top of the tower, one member of the elite group decides that she would rather go off and experience some other exhibits. So between levels she turns around and heads down. Did I see her do this? No. Not until we were at the top did I realize that she was GONE. The rest of our group and I searched frantically for this lost child. We arrive on the 2nd floor to see her enjoying a ride in the wheel chair exhibit. How ironic that at that moment I wanted to put her in one! She agrees to stay with the group from then on. Only to have her not comply when we were all ready to head to the next exhibit. UGGGH!!! So, God bless the Saint of a teacher that puts up with this type of disrespect on a daily basis. Lord knows I could not. I did enjoy getting to be there for Ali, but not sure if I would volunteer for this type of field trip again.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Piper is 11 Months Old!
Today my sweet girl is 11 months old! I can't believe we are winding down to 1 year. She has been such a wonderful addition to our family. It seems like everyday one of the older kids says "I love Piper" or "I can't imagine if we did not have Piper." I can't imagine either. Everyday she makes me laugh. She is crawling everywhere but has not started to walk yet. She says da-da but flat refuses to say mama. I think she likes torturing me. I will try to get her to say it and she will either just grin or stick her tongue out and spit. She did this one time about 3 months ago and her brothers and sisters laughed so hard that she has done it every time since. It definitely paints an accurate picture of her personality. Love that sweety-girl!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day!!
I had a wonderful Mother's Day. We went to church and they had baby dedications today. My cousin's little girl Bella was dedicated and we also got to see Savannah Hope and her family and the Oatsvall's with Maggie. Such beautiful families! We still have not had Piper dedicated only because Josh was not able to be with us yesterday and we wanted to wait until we were all together as a family. We are planning for the November dedication. This will be perfect anyway because my new niece Brooklynn Sky will be here then, so we can have one big family dedication. After church we went to my brother's house to eat with my sister, mom and my grandmother. The kids gave me gifts that they had made and they all treated me like a queen. We came back home to rest and watch a movie together and then went to Minami for some sushi. It was a great day spent celebrating the role that I am so blessed to have as mommy to five awesome healthy children. I do not take a day with each of them for granted. It is truly a blessing that so many women never get to experience but so desperately want to. I am once again reminded of what a fabulous husband I have that will take the time to make the day special for me. Thanks E! I love you.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Saturday full of Softball
Elise performing her "dare" putting two whole nachos in her mouth.
Saturday was full of many games of softball. Savannah had her opening tournament here in Smyrna and played like a Rock Star. Unfortunately, Ali had a tournament in Gallatin so my mom took Savannah to her tournament and Eric and I took Ali. Usually Eric and I will divide the kids when they have things on the same day but he was out of town almost all week and I was really missing him so we chose the most rigorous tournament and went together. My mom is such a trooper and always steps in when we need an extra hand. With the kids getting older and into so many sports I don't know what we would do without her. Ali had a great tournament as well and it was a lot of fun. They played 5 games that day?, (they are all kind of running together.) In between games the girls decided to play truth or dare and they would come to me for the dares. As a result of the "dares" Ali ended up with a huge piece of ice down her uniform as did the coach. Also, Keith McKnight's daughter Kailee is on the team too so her dare was to go over to her dad and polish his bald head with a baby wipe!! It is so ironic growing up with someone and then watching your kids play together. The girls ended up with third place, not where we wanted to end up but still a good effort against some great competition.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Maveric's Kindergarten Performance
Tonight Maveric had his end of the year performance at school. With Eric being out of town it makes getting anywhere a major accomplishment, much less attempting to make it on time to something like this. I was toting Piper with the other four kids in tow, along with my camera and video camera so that I could record it for Eric. Piper was cranky because she missed her afternoon nap and started crying right when we entered the gym. I thought it was not going to go well. When the music started she was so amazed that she settled down. With one arm I held her and with the other attempted to steady the video camera all while trying to catch great footage of Maveric behind the two rows of much taller kids in front of him!! Why does this happen? Those of you who are teachers out there, please tell me why no one can look at the kids lined up and see that the tall kids should be in the back? Happens every time. Not only to my kids, to a lot of shorter kids. And it wasn't that he did not know the words or hand motions to the songs and they were trying to put the better performing kids in front. I have video! The giant of a kid that was standing in front of him hardly moved, mouth or hands!! Anyway, I did not let it get in the way of enjoying his performance he was so cute!!
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