Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Catching Up

We have had a busy couple of weeks. It started with the Sacred Gathering at church. We were fasting and I sort-of did a fast from technology as well. I did not really get on the computer or watch tv, just wanted to listen for God's voice and be as "undistracted" as possible. It was an amazing time of worship at church, I loved it! Lots has happened. My sweet baby boy turned 6 on Valentines Day! I will have to post some pictures of that later. We had a party for him here at the house and invited some of his friends from school. It was a Transformers party and he and his friends were wild. No one can get excited about something like Maveric. I always have a weepy moment on all of the kids birthdays when I think back to when they were born and how tiny they were. The night before his birthday, I went in to tuck him in and he was already asleep, so I kissed my 5 year old boy for the last time, yes another weepy moment. Another big event that occurred was Savannah getting her hair cut. It is just below her shoulders, but layered with some long bangs. She is straightening it and it looks beautiful! She looks so much older. Savannah is also starting private saxophone lessons and is auditioning for a solo in her choir at school. Joshua just started gymnastics over the weekend at Tri-star. He took gymnastics a couple of years ago and then retired to go onto his other careers in multiple sports...baseball, soccer, swim team, karate (well, one lesson-he said he learned everything he needed to know) and cub scouts. Who knows maybe gymnastics will be his thing, he seems to be very good at it. Ali is still doing the fast pitch travel softball team, which becomes all consuming when summer gets here. And Piper girl is just along for the wild ride! With the activities they have chosen for now they all actually work out well scheduling wise. At one point all four of the older kids were doing ball: baseball and softball. That was nearly impossible to do scheduling wise! So I am thankful for this. Hope all is well with your families. Posting pics soon!!


The Shingletons said...

It's about time!! :)

The Shingletons said...

Time to update again!!
Call me!