Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Reviving My Blog

Okay this is really sad that my last post was in July! Well, we moved and unhooked our computer and did not get reconnected until about 1 month ago, well I was able to use Eric's computer when he got home from work, but that is not really connected. Yes we finally moved...HALLELUJAH! So, I am going to attempt to keep the blog up and keep pictures posted of all of the kids. Thanks for stopping in!

1 comment:

The Shingletons said...

VERY SAD! Now that you are on, I think I might try to be better! Thanks for giving Molly the cinnamon roll idea! I do want to talk! You were supposed to come over a few weeks ago and didn't show! Maybe we can meet for coffee one morning after dropping kids off at school. I could meet like at 8:45?? Does that work for you? How about tomorrow? Let me know. Maybe I should call in case you don't check this! shawnah