Thursday, July 12, 2007


Okay, I am just trying to figure out how this blog thing works. I was having trouble earlier today uploading pictures to the site. While I was looking for my pictures, I came across this old family picture. It is one of my favorites, I just love it! When I saw it I was shocked at how much they have all grown. They are all so little...and so was I! (HEE HEE) I thought that it would be a good reminder for me to enjoy each day that I have with them. They really do grow up so fast. We had this picture taken on Maveric's first birthday and now he is headed to Kindergarten, and Piper was not even a thought, literally we had absolutely no intentions of birthin' any more babies! I am so thankful and crazy in love with each one of them!


Brenda said...

Hey Girl,
I just checked my blog and saw I had message from you!!! How excited I am to hear from you and how happy I am for you and your new bundle of joy! I LOVE her name. You are just the sweetest thing and we need to get together. Love you bunches! Brenda

dreamingBIGdreams said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!!!!